in the center of Europe

Investing in a hotel business project in Switzerland is profitable, reliable and prestigious. Such investments are promising, designed for a long-term strategy and bring a stable income.

Investments in retail space bring a stable income, thanks to the reliability of tenants and the diversification of risks between grocery stores and sellers of world-class brands.

Such objects are attractive with the right choice of location, diversification of reliable tenants and the conclusion of indexed lease contracts. In addition, by purchasing office space in Switzerland, you, in some cases, can carry out redevelopment with additional income.

Industrial, production and logistics facilities are in high demand in the current conditions and the global trend of transition to a digital economy. Nevertheless, such objects require careful analysis and expertise. Therefore, investors should enlist the support of professionals of the local real estate market.

Mixed-type buildings are profitable and versatile for different tasks. Nevertheless, such objects require careful analysis and expertise.

Investing in the restaurant business in Switzerland is profitable both in large cities, known for business activity, and in places where tourists gather, ski resorts. Buying a restaurant in Switzerland is a good way to preserve and increase your capital.

For a foreign investor in Switzerland, only land plots for the construction of commercial facilities, namely logistics and warehouse complexes, industrial and production facilities, office premises, hotels, etc., are available without restrictions.

Castles in Switzerland can be used both as a private luxury residence and as premium hotel facilities.
Such objects can be purchased either at closed auctions or using a network of professional contacts possessed by professionals of the local market.

Explore other commercial real estate options

We select objects according to individual requests of customers in conformity with the chosen strategy.

1) Request for object dossier (from the owner or agency) with the following information: geographical location, object area, photos of the object, layout, primary yield calculation.
2) Analysis of the received information and the request for missing information about the object. Visiting the object.
3) Compilation of the final document on the object in the following format:
- The location of the object, including information about the city (region) in which the object is located;
- Strategic macro location (big cities nearby);
- Object area;
- Year of construction / years of renovation;
- Information about the owner;
- Price;
- Plot plan;
- Layout of the building;
- Net annual rent (before tax and insurance);
- Owner's expenses: current expenses and planned future expenses;
- Net yield;
- Reliability of tenants;
- Rent terms;
- Photos;
- Calculation of the object profitability.
The calculation of return on equity (ROI) takes into account the following parameters:
- Price;
- Net rental income;
- Operating and maintenance costs;
- % bank loan;
- Loan rate;
- Required own funds;
- Forecast value increase.
The economic evaluation of objects and the assessment of investment risks are carried out by professional financial analysts. To conduct a technical assessment, external experts from the selected area are involved. Legal expertise is carried out by highly qualified lawyers.
A detailed assessment of one property costs from 3,500 to 10,000 CHF, depending on the size of the object, the presence of a large number of tenants and the complexity of rental contracts.
Evaluation is used to organize bank financing.
In all credit institutions such an assessment is a prerequisite for obtaining a loan for the purchase.
Only evaluations of qualified appraisal organizations are accepted for consideration.
• Technical analysis of the project with the involvement of specialists from the selected area,
• Economic analysis of the project,
• Evaluation of investment risks and independent evaluation of the project,
• Organization of all necessary consultations with the involvement of lawyers, auditors and other professionals.
1) Definition of goals and investment strategies. First of all, you need to decide what risks you are willing to take (minimal, low, medium), as well as what level of profitability you are interested in. Based on the information received, we select the most appropriate strategy: a conservative, balanced, value-added strategy.
2) Selection of objects according to individual criteria. Selection of objects is carried out on the basis of the chosen investment strategy after the conclusion of the contract.
3) Coordination of dates, planning a study tour.
4) Evaluation of selected objects with the calculation of profitability. Object evaluation is carried out by professional financial analysts.
5) Assistance in opening settlement accounts in Swiss banks, if necessary.
Attention!!! Before entering the transaction, you should already have a Swiss bank account opened and the necessary funds raised!!!
6) Assistance with obtaining credit approval, which at current low interest rates significantly increases return on investment (ROI).
7) Stages and support of the sale transaction:
- Drawing up a power of attorney for our employees to represent your interests (if necessary);
- Drawing up a LOI (letter of intent) indicating the price and terms of the transaction for a suitable object.
- After accepting the conditions by the seller - drawing up a notarial sales contract (our lawyers will discuss with you the text of the contract) with simultaneous appointment of the date of the transaction;
- Transfer of your own funds to a notary account with simultaneous signing of a loan agreement.
- Signing the contract of sale.
* We provide professional translators at the time of signing the notarial deed if necessary;
Re-registration of ownership of real estate is carried out after receipt of funds from the buyer on the notary account, payment of taxes, notary services and services of SharonoFF SA.
8) If necessary - further management of the object.
9) Stage of return on investment, obtaining a stable income of 6-11% per annum.
The transaction is guaranteed by a notary agreement registered in the state land registry with simultaneous transfer of ownership.

FF INVESTMENT is a private equity and real estate agency. We are located in Switzerland and work in the local market.

This guide contains general reference information; each potential transaction requires an individual approach, based on the specific buyer and local law.

Investing in Switzerland is easy! SharonoFF Investment is a financial intermediary in the investment market.